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Message Hebdomadaire de Solidarité

Fwon Ini Dyaspora Ayisyen an kanpe ak jenn nou yo kap viv an Ayiti. Yo pedi espwa, yap viv nan laperez, e yo pa wè ki avni ki genyen pou yo akòz de kidnapin, ensekirite, e sityason de kriz ki blayi kòl nan peyi a. Fwon Ini mande Leta pou pran responsabilite l pou pwoteje jenn nou yo ak tout pèp la. Avni peyi a depann de sa.

Le Front Uni de la Diaspora Hatienne se tient debout avec nos jeunes vivant en Haiti. Ils ont perdu l'espoir, vivent dans la peur et ne peuvent pas visionner un futur à cause des kidnappings, insecurite et la situation de crise que connait le pays. Le Front Uni demande a L’etat de prendre ses responsabilites pour proteger nos jeunes ainsi que le peuple. L'avenir du pays depend de cela.

The United Front of the Haitian Diaspora stands with the youth living in Haiti. They lost hope, live in fear, and cannot see a future because of kidnappings, insecurity, and the crisis situation in Haiti. The United Front requests that the State takes its responsibilities to protect its youth, and the people. The future of the country depends on it.



Phone:      202-918-6992

Address2586 Graywall St

                  East Point GA 30344

The United Front
of the Haitian Diaspora

The United Front of the Haitian Diaspora (UFHD or UF) is an advocacy organization whose work is to unite and strengthen the worldwide Haitian Diaspora and its supporters, in order to enhance the economic, health, and social wellbeing of all of Haiti’s children. Our mission is to also ensure and protect the right of every citizen to be involved in the decision-making processes that affect them.

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