Please join us by donating to the Haitian United Front of the Diaspora (www.haitianunitedfront.org) relief effort for the Bahamas. Hurricane Dorian has left the Bahamas in state of emergency and crisis.
It is painful to see the devastation caused by hurricane Dorian and the resulting crisis leaving so many without basic food and shelter. The United Front of the Haitian Diaspora (UFHD) recognizes the pain and empathizes with our Bahamian brothers and sisters. We also know that many Haitians, living in the Bahamas, are also among the victims.
We are raising money to benefit those affected by the tragedy of Hurricane Dorian in the Abacos Islands in the Bahamas with the help of our regional Haitian Disaster Emergency Response Units (HDERU) partners: the Haitian American Emergency Relief Committee (H.A.E.R.C.) , the Haitian Renewal Alliance (HRA) and others.
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause. No donation is too small; any donation you give will mean so much to the people on the ground. Let’s show them that we care.
All Donations will be administered by our partner Not-For-Profit organization HRA, a 501(c) (3) (www.hra.intl.org). HRA is partnering with IOM, the U.N. Migration Network, Washington D, on a project aimed at engaging diaspora in Disaster preparedness and response-How to build back better. HRA also has an MOU with UN-OCHA to will help to track and report the Haitian contribution to the U.N Financial Tracking System (FTS). All donations are tax deductible. All help will be coordinated by H.A.E.R.C. (www.haerc.org) and its partners on the ground. It is our aim that ninety percent (90%) of all dollars collected reach the victims. Report(s) will be made available on our websites and upon request.