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En Solidarité

Fwon Ini kanpe ak frè l, e sèl ki an Ayiti pou pwoteste kont klima terè ki genyen ak kidnapin, touye moun, ke gang yo ap fè nan tout peyi a. Li mande Leta pou pran responsabilitel pou asire pwoteksyon pèp la.

The Front Uni de la Diaspora Haïtienne se joint avec ses frères et sœurs en Haïti pour protester contre ce climat de terreur qui sévit dans le pays à cause des cas kidnapping, meurtres causés par les gangs à travers le pays. Le Front demande à l’état de prendre ses responsabilités pour assurer la protection de ses citoyens.

The United Front of the Haitian Diaspora stand with its brothers and sisters in Haiti to protest against the environment of terror created by the cases of kidnappings, murders caused by armed gangs throughout the country. The United Front requests the government takes its responsibility to protect its citizens



Phone:      202-918-6992

Address2586 Graywall St

                  East Point GA 30344

The United Front
of the Haitian Diaspora

The United Front of the Haitian Diaspora (UFHD or UF) is an advocacy organization whose work is to unite and strengthen the worldwide Haitian Diaspora and its supporters, in order to enhance the economic, health, and social wellbeing of all of Haiti’s children. Our mission is to also ensure and protect the right of every citizen to be involved in the decision-making processes that affect them.

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