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Haitian United Front Proposal to resolve the crisis
United Front of the Haitian Diaspora 1900 B Asbury Street Evanston, IL 60201, USA The...

Prominent Haitian Leader and Human Rights Advocate Jean-Robert Lafortune died on October 15, 2019
Press Release Prominent Haitian Leader and Human Rights Advocate Jean-Robert Lafortune died on October 15, 2019 after a long, chronic...

United Front Questions and Answers (Q&A) / NAAHP Conference October 26, 2018:
1. How to integrate the Haitian Diaspora economic and political power to bring about change in Haiti? 1.1. Today, the Haitian Diaspora...

United Front Proposal to Resolve Haiti’s immediate and endemic Crisis (Final LJB)
WE, HAITIANS, HAVE ONLY TWO (2) CHOICES: 1) We, Haitians, can continue to put ourselves in another vulnerable position to be “rescued”...

United Front of the Haitian Diaspora Letter of Solidarity
UNITED FRONT OF THE HAITIAN DIASPORA 1900 B Asbury St. Evanston, IL 6020, USA 202-918-6992 September 8, 2019...

Helping Hand for the Bahamas
Please join us by donating to the Haitian United Front of the Diaspora ( relief effort for the Bahamas....

Pozisyon "Fwont Ini Ayisyen nan Dyaspora a" sou Politik Jeneral PM Fritz W. Michel ak Sitiyasyon Ayi
WASHINGTON, DC — Ozetazini, Fwon Ini Ayisyen nan Dyaspora a, yon òganizasyon k ap milite pou pèmèt Ayisyen k ap viv aletranje yo jwe yon...

Front Uni de la Diaspora Haitienne
Frères et Soeurs Haïtiens: le Front Uni vient solliciter votre support pour influencer le Parlement de voter pour la réintégration...

Promoting Good Governance and Diaspora Integration.
Adopt a President Vice President system and adequate impeachment safeguards Adopt an amendment to replace the position of Prime Minister...

Droit de Vote de la Diaspora Haitienne : Pourquoi c'est Important Pour le Pays ?
Les Conséquences d’un exode massif Vers la seconde moitié du XX siècle, pour des raisons autant politiques (dictature, persécutions...

Retraite du Front Uni de la Diaspora Haïtienne, 12 - 13 Juillet, à Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Après une rencontre de deux (2) jours, la troisième retraite du Front Uni de la Diaspora Haïtienne (Front Uni) à Atlanta, GA s'est...

The role of the Diaspora in the development of Haiti.
Dr. Joel Augustin, MD, the Secretary of the United Front has invited the members and friends of the United Front to participate in a...

Monday, January 28, 2019 Office of Press Relations Telephones: +1.202.712.4320 | Email: PRESS RELEASE OF THE...

Vendredi de la Diaspora - Diskou Lionel Jean-Baptiste, Prezidan Fwon Ini an
Prezidan, Minis Ayisyen ki ap viv aletranje, Mme Ternier, Minis ki la yo, Tout lòt onorab otorite ki la yo, Frèm, sèm yo kap viv an dedan...

Vendredi de la Diaspora - Discours de Johnny Celestin, Vice-Secretaire du Front Uni.
Monsieur le Président de la République, Madame la Ministre du Ministère des Haïtiens Vivant à l’étranger, Messieurs les Ministres,...
We Need Your Support Today!
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